Aviral Shrivastava is a full Professor in the School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence (SCAI) at the Arizona State University, where he established and heads the Make Programming Simple Lab. He completed his Ph.D. in Information and Computer Science and from the University of California, Irvine, and bachelor’s in Computer Science and Engineering from IIT Delhi.
Research: Prof. Shrivastava’s main theme of research in on Making Programming Simple for embedded, accelerated computing, cyber-physical, and quantum computing systems. Prof. Shrivastava and his students work on topics in computer architecture, compilers, machine learning acceleration, quantum computing systems, cyber-physical systems, intelligent transportation, autonomous vehicles.
Publications and Awards: Prof. Shrivastava has co-authored 1 book and has contributed chapters in 4 books. He has more than 200 articles and conference papers in top embedded system journals and conferences, like DAC, ESWEEK, ACM TECS, and ACM TCPS. His papers have received several awards, including a best paper award at VLSI Design conference 2025, nomination for best paper award at DAC 2017, best student paper award at VLSI 2016, second highest ranked paper at LCTES 2010, and best paper candidate ASPDAC 2008. He has published more than a dozen papers in DAC (top conference in the field). Overall, his works have received more than 4200 citations, growing at the rate of over 350 citations every year. More than 6 of his papers have been cited more than 100 times. Overall, his h-index[1] is 36 (reference Google Scholar). His inventions have been granted 7 patents, and 4 more applications are pending. Prof. Shrivastava is the recipient of the prestigious 2010 NSF CAREER award. His student’s theses were awarded CIDSE outstanding Ph.D. thesis award in 2021 and 2017, and outstanding master’s thesis awards in 2010, 2017, and 2022. Prof. Shrivastava’s research efforts have been supported by federal agencies (NSF, DOE, NIST), state agencies (SFAZ), and industry.
Teaching and Mentoring: Prof. Shrivastava has mentored 3 postdocs, 10 Ph.D. students, and over 25 Masters students. His students are well placed, including a full Professor at UNIST, South Korea, Assistant Professor at South Dakota School of Mines, Apple (x3), Qualcomm (x2), Nvidia(x2), AMD, Google, Benz etc. Prof. Shrivastava is currently supervising 1 postdoc, 4 Ph.D., and 7 Masters students. Prof. Shrivastava teaches undergraduate and graduate level courses on computer architecture, cyber-physical, and quantum computing systems. He has consistent student evaluations of over 4/5.
Service: Prof. Shrivastava is currently serving as the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE ESL (Embedded Systems Letters), and in the steering committee of Languages Compilers, Theory and tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES), Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK), Conference on HW/SW Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS). He is serving as the track chair for the Autonomous Systems track at DAC 2025. Previously, he was the General Chair and program chair of (LCTES) 2024 and 2017 respectively. He was the General Chair of Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK) 2022, which is the top event in the field of Embedded Systems, comprising of 3 conferences, 2 symposia and 7 workshops, 10 education classes, 7 tutorials, special sessions, Ph.D. forum, and student research competitions. His service has been recognized by IEEE through the 2023 IEEE CEDA Outstanding Service Award. He served as program chair of CODES+ISSS 2018, chair of the Design and Applications track of RTSS 2020, and chair of Autonomous Systems track at DAC 2023. He is serving as the associate editor for ACM Transactions of Cyber-Physical Systems (ACM TCPS), ACM Transactions Embedded Computing Systems (ACM TECS). He was associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design (IEEE TCAD) 2018-2023. Prof. Shrivastava also serves as the Graduate Program Chair of CS programs at ASU.
Research: [pubs@ASU] [Google Scholar] [dblp] [ResearchGate][YouTube]
Teaching: [teaching@ASU]