Lab Updates



  • Aviral receives the Outstanding Service Award from the IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA), which is awarded annually for exceptional commitment and service to the EDA community.
  • Our work on making processor design space exploration more explainable is featured on front pages of ASU news, ASU alumni news, ASU Ira Fulton Engineering news and ASU School of Computing and AI etc., ACM (Association of Computing Machinary) Tech News, Communications of the ACM (CACM) news, industry blogs, local media, etc. [News Article: Opening the Black Box]
  • Matthew‘s paper “B-AWARE: Blockage Aware RSU Scheduling for 5G Enabled Autonomous Vehicles” is accepted to appear at International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT) 2023.
  • Aviral will teach an education class on basics of machine learning design at ACM/IEEE Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK 2023).
  • Shail‘s paper titled “Automating the Architectural Execution Modeling and Characterization of Domain-Specific Architectures” is accepted to appear at SRC TECHCON 2023.
  • Aviral is featured in The State Press article Mile by mile: The self-driving cars of tomorrow are already here.
  • Our research on Autonomous Vehicles has been featured in the ASU Fulton Engineering’s News article “ASU research ensures autonomous vehicle safety, reliability” and state/local media including Arizona Commerce Authority, Institute of Automated Mobility.
  • Aviral gives invited seminar talk on “An Agile and Explainable Exploration of Efficient HW/SW Codesigns of Deep Learning Accelerators Using Bottleneck Analysis” at InvasIC seminar series, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität.
  • Sanggu received Outstanding Master’s Student Award in Computer Engineering from the School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence (SCAI) at Arizona State University.
  • Shail‘s paper titled “Explainable-DSE: An Agile and Explainable Exploration of Efficient HW/SW Codesigns of Deep Learning Accelerators Using Bottleneck Analysis” is accepted to appear at the ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS). Congratulations!!
  • Aviral is invited as the speaker for ASU’s International Students Convocation.
  • Sanggu’s paper titled “Blame-Free Motion Planning in Hybrid Traffic” is accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (ITV).
  • Matthew defended his master’s thesis titled “B-AWARE: Blockage Aware RSU Scheduling for 5G Enabled Autonomous Vehicles” and he would join Intel as AI Software Engineer. Congratulations!
  • Shail and Aviral will present a virtual seminar talk to Intel Labs on “Agile and Explainable AI Hardware/Software Codesign Exploration”.
  • Our work on “GiPH: Generalizable Placement Learning for Adaptive Heterogeneous Computing” (in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University) is accepted to appear at Sixth Conference on Machine Learning and Systems (MLSys 2023).
  • We are invited for a special session on “Learning-Oriented Reliability Improvement of Computing Systems From Transistor to Application Level” in the 26th International Conference on Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2023). [Paper]
  • Moslem‘s paper titled “Generic Soft Error Data and Control Flow Error Detection by Instruction Duplication” is accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC).
  • Our project proposal is accepted by competitive SRC AI hardware program from Semiconductor Research Corporation! We are excited for researching on sustainable and agile AI hardware development through “AI for AI”. Congratulations Aviral and Shail.
  • Aviral serves on the Steering Committee of ACM/IEEE Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK).
  • We are teaching a new course on “Topics in Machine Learning Accelerator Design” at ASU in Spring 2023 (CSE/CEN 598). [Course Reading List]












