
  1. Collaborative Research: CPS: TTP Option: Medium: i-HEAR: immersive Human-On-the-Loop Environmental Adaptation for Stress Reduction
    Overall PI: Olga Boric-Lubecke (from U of Hawaii)
    Role: Co-PI
    Sponsor: NSF
    Amount awarded: $299,814 (overall $1.2M)
    Period: 10/01/2021-09/30/2024
  2. PFI-RP: Avoiding Kidney Injuries with Evidence – Based Smart Technology
    Overall PI: Erica Forzani
    Role: Co-PI
    Sponsor: NSF
    Amount awarded: $550,000 (my share is $137,500)
    Period: 09/01/2021-08/31/2024
  3. Advanced Imaging and Machine Learning in Alzheimer’s Research
    Role: PI (Co-PI is Dr. Baoxin Li)
    Sponsor: Banner Alzheimer Institute
    Amount awarded: $21,4000 Year 1(my share is $10,700), $48,000 Year 2 (my share is $24,000)
    Period: 07/01/2021-06/30/2023
  4. Multi-Modality Image Data Fusion and Machine Learning Approaches for Personalized Diagnostics and Prognostics of MCI due to AD
    Overall PI (contact): Dr. Lure at MS Tech
    Role: PI from ASU
    Sponsor: NIH/NIA
    Amount awarded: $2.5M (ASU/my share is $542,945)
    Period: 01/01/2021-08/31/2022 (NCE)
  5. Pathways linking neuropsychiatric symptoms with Alzheimer’s Disease neuroimaging biomarkers and the outcome of incident mild cognitive impairment/dementia (R01)
    Overall PI: Dr. Geda at Barrow Neurological Institute
    Role: Co-PI from ASU (ASU PI is Dr. Forzani)
    Sponsor: NIH/NIA
    Amount awarded: ~2M (ASU was added to Years 4, 5, amount is $220,769, my share is $110,384)
    Period: 12/01/2020 – 11/30/2022
  6. Collaborative Research: FET: Small: Hierarchical Computational Framework for large scale RNA Design Pathway Discovery through Data and Experiments
    PI: Pedrielli
    Role: Senior Personnel
    Sponsor: NSF
    Amount awarded: $275K (my share is ~$60K)
    Period: 08/01/2020-07/31/2023
  7. Securing Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings (GEB) through Cyber Defense and Resilient System (CYDRES)
    Overall PI: O’Neill (from Texas A&M)
    Role: PI from ASU (ASU Co-PI is Dr. Selcuk Candan)
    Sponsor: DOE
    Amount awarded: $2.3M (ASU share is $500K, my share is $250K)
    Period: 05/01/2020-04/30/2023
  8. SCH: INT: Collaborative Research: Non-Contact Smart Monitor for Sleep Disorder Diagnosis and Intervention
    Overall PI: Dr. Victor Lubecke (from U of Hawaii)
    Role: PI from ASU
    Sponsor: NSF
    Amount awarded: $594,000 (ASU/my share is $80K)
    Period: 09/01/2019-08/31/2023
  9. Collaborative Research: AccelNet: An International Network of Networks for Well-being in the Built Environment (IN2WIBE)
    Overall PI: Dr. Zheng O’Neill (from Texas A&M)
    Role: PI from ASU (Senior Personnel is Dr. Pedrielli)
    Sponsor: NSF
    Amount awarded: $750K (ASU share is $168,750, my share is $84,375)
    Period: 10/01/2019 – 09/30/2023
  10. Inverse Mapping of Spatial-Temporal Molecular Heterogeneity from Imaging Phenotype
    Overall PI: Dr. Jing Li (from GT)
    Role: PI from ASU (subcontract from GT)
    Sponsor: NSF
    Amount Awarded: $800,000 (ASU/my share is $170,000)
    Period: 07/01/2019-06/31/2023
  11. A multidisciplinary translational approach to investigate the mechanisms, predictors, and prevention of persistent posttraumatic Headache
    Overall PI: Dr. Schwedt (Mayo Clinic Arizona)
    Role: PI from ASU
    Sponsor: DOD (Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs – CDMRP)
    Amount awarded: $9,999,950 (my share is ~$669,490)
    Period: 09/1/2019-08/31/2023
  12. Biomarker Signature to Predict the Persistence of Post-Traumatic Headache (R33/R61)
    Overall PI: Dr. Chong (Mayo Clinic Arizona)
    Role: PI from ASU (Co-PI is Dr. Visar Berisha)
    Sponsor: NIH/NINDS
    Amount awarded: $5,331,316 (my share is $487,034)
    Period: 08/01/2019-07/31/2024
  13. Imaging the Migraines Brain Pre- and Post-Erenumab: an MRI study to Identify Functional and Structural Changes that Correlate with Patient Improvement
    Overall PI: Dr. Schwedt (Mayo Clinic Arizona)
    Role: PI from ASU (was Co-PI with PI Dr. Jing Li)
    Sponsor: Amgen
    Amount awarded: $1,184,551 (ASU share is $237,620, my share is $118,810)
    Period: 1/1/2019-12/31/2022 (NCE)
  14. PFI-RP: Data-Driven Services for High Performance and Sustainable Buildings
    Overall PI: Dr. O’Neil (from Texas A&M)
    Role: PI from ASU (Co-PI is Dr. Candan)
    Sponsor: NSF
    Amount awarded: $750K (ASU share is $216,211, my share is $108,100)
    Period: 9/15/2018-08/30/2022
  15. Comprehensive MRI-based evaluation of human renal microstructure (R01)
    Multi-PI: Dr. Charlton (U of Virginia) and Dr. Bennett (Wash U)
    Role: PI from ASU
    Sponsor: NIH/NIDDK
    Amount awarded: $1,819,389 (ASU share is $571,737)
    Period: 8/01/2017 – 6/30/2022