MU Lab at ASU
where curiosity drives innovation
Electrochemistry Energy Storage Devices
Energy crisis and global warming are the two major concerns worldwide. To build a sustainable society, significant efforts on developing energy storage devices are urgently needed. In order to better utilize renewable energy, we got to design cost-effective and high-efficient devices. Amongst these energy storage devices, we are interested in several systems, including Li-ion batteries, Na-ion batteries, solid-state batteries, and aqueous-based batteries. We will uncover interfacial chemistry and degradation mechanisms in the next generation batteries. Our understandings aim to bridge the mismatch between the market demand and the current technologies. Equipped with the knowledge, we target to design low-cost and high-performance materials that can be potentially commercialized in batteries.

Lab location
Materials Science Engineering Program, School of Engineering for Matter, Transport, and Energy
ISTB4, Arizona State University, tempe campus