MRI Automatic Radio Frequency Systems

Every person is unique and this statement is especially true when it comes to tuning and matching RF coils for MRI. The aim of frequency tuning and impedance matching is to make sure the coil resonates at the Larmor frequency and simultaneously has an impedance such that maximum power is transferred between RF coil and patient. Generating RF power comes at an expense and in the transmission phase, the ability to transfer this power efficiently to the subject changes the dynamic of power management. Meanwhile, at the receiving end, matching provides the ability to minimize noise, thus increasing the SNR of the image acquired. Real-time tuning and matching of multi- channel coils at ultra-high fields can reduce scanning time multi-fold and increase the overall image quality. This project strikes a perfect balance between RF hardware design and hardware language in order to maximize the utilization of such an automated RF circuit.

MRI Results from low RF scanner